Save Historic ILA-ILWU '34 Strike Headquarters Building On Embarcadero-SF Speak Out On Jan 27

Save Historic ILA-ILWU '34 Strike Headquarters Building On Embarcadero-SF Speak Out On Jan 27
On Saturday, January 17, 2015 7:30 AM, "'Dave Osgood' [sfpreservationconsortium]" wrote:


Please join the Richmond Community Assn, CSFN, SF Tomorrow, Roland Salvato of the Preservation Consortium, a University of Michigan professor, the international ILWU and many others in stopping the destruction of the truly historic 110 The Embarcadero/113 Steuart Street building.

You can see pictures of the police riot in front of 110 The Embarcadero and read the growing collection of letters supporting our appeal at the board of supervisors’ web site:
Good news: the previous deadline we were given was incorrect. Letters and emails that arrive at the clerk’s office before the close of business this Wednesday (1/21) will be distributed to the board of supervisors in their official packets. Email

Among the submissions is the following brief account of Harry Bridges at this historic building (his headquarters) on that Bloody Thursday:
“Just around the corner, the union headquarters had taken on the appearance of a front-line medical aid station as the wounded and gassed were carried or stumbled up the narrow stairway to the second floor hall, where they were laid in rows on the floor. A doctor was found who was willing to treat them and as he moved among the wounded, a tear gas shell came crashing through a window, to spew its sickening smoke in the room. Someone had bolted the door to protect the wounded from the police, who insisted that they were going to take the casualties to the emergency hospital. Over the racket of the shots and the shouting outside and the moaning of the wounded inside, the men heard an insistent pounding on the door. The upper half was frosted glass, and they could see a head and shoulders silhouetted against it. ‘Don’t let him in!’ someone shouted, ‘It’s a goddam cop!’ Then as the man outside turned toward the stairs, a cry went up, ‘Hey, you guys! Look at that nose! It’s Harry! It’s Harry! Let him in!’”

Incredibly, the Planning Dept and Commonwealth Club continue to claim that no occupant “appears to have made a significant contribution to local, state or national history.” (Page 25, PMND) It’s clear that Planning is willing to destroy this building to facilitate the destruction of some of the adjoining six buildings that are also 100-years old. By introducing a modern glass front on the historic Embarcadero side, it will be easier for the other property owners to do the same. They will certainly try to go higher as well. Hines already tried. (Google now owns one of the other buildings on the block, and god knows what their plans are. Remember their huge barges made of shipping containers?)

The Commonwealth Club claims they are restoring the Steuart façade, but according to the architectural historian, Bradley Wiedmaier, they are not planning to restore it to its wonderful and original early-California “Portola” style or to the way it looked in 1934. They are simply rehabilitating the existing façade. Among other suggestions, SF Heritage asked the Club to increase the setback of the new third floor so it is not as visible from the street. This improvement has not been made.

Write or email the clerk of the board ( before this Thursday. State that you (and your organization) support the appeal of the Mitigated Negative Declaration of 110 The Embarcadero. If you have it, use your letterhead stationary and email that as an attachment. And mark you calendar forTuesday, January 27 at 3:00 PM to speak at the board hearing.