Northwest Grain

3/15 Inter Day Of Action Against Mitsui Union Busting Of ILWU-Action In San Francisco, Tokyo


International Day Of Action March 15, 2013 
Stop Mitsui Union Busting and Concessionary Contracts 
Fight the Lockout of ILWU by United Grain in the Port of Vancouver, Washington 

Protest Rally: Fri. March 15, 4:30PM @ 1 Montgomery St./Market St.., SF 

On March 15, 2013 there will be international actions and protests against the union busting lockout of ILWU Local 4 members by the Mitsui-owned company United Grain in the Port Of Vancouver, Washington. 

NorthWest Grain Elevator Preparing To Bust ILWU Longshore Workrs In Lockout Or Strike-Union Buster Gettier Preparing To Bring In Scabs


NorthWest Grain Elevator Preparing To Bust ILWU Longshore Workrs In Lockout Or Strike-Union Buster Gettier Preparing To Bring In Scabs


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