ILWU Local 4 Members Protest Port Of Vancouver, Wash Lockout but no coast wide action by ILWU


ILWU Local 4 Members Protest Port Of Vancouver, Wash Lockout but no coast wide action by ILWU

ILWU Members Protest Port Of Vancouver, Wash Lockout
OPB | Feb. 28, 2013 3:25 p.m. | Vancouver, Washington
Rob Manning / OPB
The Port of Vancouver’s grain terminal operator says replacement workers are now loading grain, in place of locked-out union members. Rob Manning has reaction from union picket lines Thursday.

United Grain Corporation locked the union out of the Vancouver grain terminal this week over allegations that a longshoreman sabotaged equipment.

A company spokesman says the new workers are UGC employees from elsewhere.
Rob Manning / OPB
Cager Clabaugh
The move is unpopular with longshore leaders like the president of the Vancouver local, Cager Clabaugh.

“Who wouldn’t be upset to watch somebody come in and take your job? But we’re going to take it in stride. We’re not going to do anything to put ourselves in a bad position.”

Clabaugh says the union is eager to re-start negotiations with UGC.

United Grain says it has video of two sabotage incidents dating back to December.

The ILWU questions the timing of the lockout and the sabotage allegations, coming the same week the longshore union reached a deal at other Northwest ports.